American DJ - DP-8A

Below are all the different types of American DJ. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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A merican DJ INSTRUCTION MANUAL DP 8A 8 CHANNEL DIMMING CONSOLE i 2 3 7 6 FRONT VIEW BACK VIEW 1 INDIVIDUAL CHANNELINDICATORS yellow LED s indicating the lighting level of individual 2 INDIVIDUAL CHANNEL SLIDERS move to set the lighting level of channel 3 INDIVIDUAL CHANNEL FLASH BUTTON flash the individual channel channel full on 4 MASTER SLIDER amp INDICATOR move to set the overall lighting level of all channels red LED 5 SPEED SLIDER amp INDICATOR slider to control speed red LED indicating the chase speed 6 FULL ON BUTTON flash all channels to full on 7 NEW FEATURE SPEEDX2 speeds up chase two times when on 8 POWER BUTTON 9 BLACK OUT BUTTON amp INDICATOR turns off all lights conn ...